Aaron Wolfe Scheffler


Aaron Wolfe Scheffler's webpage

Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California, San Francisco
Email: aaron.scheffler@ucsf.edu





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I provide instruction via the University of California, San Francisco, Training in Clinical Research Program in the following courses:

BIOSTAT 208: Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research II (2023-present)

This is a second course in biostatistics, focusing on multi-predictor variable methods, including multiple linear and multiple logistic regression. Emphasis is on the practical and proper use of statistical methodology and its interpretation. The statistics package Stata will be used throughout the course.

The full course description can be found here.

BIOSTAT 202: Opportunities and Challenges of Complex Biomedical Data (2019-2023)

This is an introduction to the opportunities and challenges of using large datasets for biomedical research. Topics to be covered include: What makes big data different? What big data can and cannot do. Phases of data science: getting data, merging and cleaning data, storing and accessing data, visualizing or telling stories with data, drawing conclusions from data. Introduction to supervised and unsupervised machine learning including detailed discussion of algorithms and model fitting.

The full course description can be found here.

In addition, I provide lectures of biostatistics for the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine Bridges curriculum and the School of Pharmacy.

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